Monday, December 7, 2009

An Important Question

Hello, blogger world! This is my first post, and I am pretty excited. I've been meaning to get one for years, yes years, but my laziness has prevailed. Until now.
I will begin by telling you a true story.
The other day I was walking in the caf, minding my own business. All I wanted was a plastic fork to eat my pineapples with. Suddenly, this large man comes up beside me.
"Are you the President of the short people club?" he asks me.
I looked at him. He looked at me.
"Yes, I am," I responded.
Now let me ask you this: is this appalling question appropriate?
I say NO. What if I went around asking people stuff like that? I've come up with a few examples that would surely be frowned upon:
1. Hey, are you the President of the fat people club?
2. Hey, are you the President of the freakishly tall people club?
3. Hey, are you the President of the acne-covered people club?
4. Hey, are you the President of the wheelchair people club?
What if I went around saying things like that?
I might get punched.
So here is a lesson for all of you: short people have feelings too. It is not ok to make short people comments.

The End.


  1. hi there! welcome to blogworld. :)

    i stumbled across your blog, and i'm kinda glad i did because, well, i'm short too. and your post made me smile.

    i've never actually been asked that question outright, but people make short comments about me all the time. lol.

    so since we apparently are both short, i figure that commonality enough for me to follow you :)

  2. LOL, but you know that already....

  3. HELLO! Fiddle faddle. Like it. Nice background too..can't wait till you get here so we can catch up on life. oh and by the way, welcome to the brooks children car-accident alumni club! you are the second member. congratulations. let's hope it doesn't get any bigger though! seriously. erm..yeah. I'm taller than you. just sayin. :)

  4. As a short man (5'6), I can relate, but I would have told him to remove the corn cob from his anus before he talks to me next time...
